I can’t believe that it is Wednesday already, man how this week is flying by. So since it is hump day it is time for another celebrity tattoo post. I decided to go with Pink this week, mainly because she has a ton of tattoos and I thought it would be great to cover her. Also I would love to know if everyone out there thinks her tattoos are too much or if they are just right?

2. Japanese symbol above left foot (happiness)
3. Chinese symbol above right ankle (infinity)
4. Guardian Angle on left shoulder/back
5. Dog tags for her brother and dad around her right ankle
6. “What Goes Around Comer Around” around her right wrist
7. “Mr. Pink” on her left inner thigh
8. Red star on her left hand
9. Frog on her left foot
10. The symbol for love with a red heart in front of it, on her lower stomach
11. “1 9879-11200-1 3” - bar code on the back of her neck
12. “Tru Luv” on her right wrist
13. Red heart on her right big toe
14. Dragon on her left thigh
15. Symbol on her left foot
16. Another symbol on her left foot
17. “Sir Corky Moore” (and a date) on her left arm
18. Razor blade on her inner left wrist
19. Red heart on her left big toe
20. Broken heart on inside of left elbow
21. Tribal inspired musical note behind left ear
22. Portrait of her dog Elvis inside left arm
23. and 24. A bow in the back of each thigh
25. Some poem or writing on her left arm under that tattoo of Elvis her dog.